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Octant Accelerator SQF

Participate in the Round

TL;DR: Go to to support your favorite public goods builders from the Octant Accelerator with 15+ ETH in real-time matching funds.


The Octant Accelerator was launched to help web3 builders achieve project sustainability:

But, the 4-week crash course isn’t the end of Octant’s investment in these builders.

In partnership with Flow State & Superfluid, Octant is sponsoring a 15 ETH (and growing) Streaming Quadratic Funding (SQF) round exclusively for accelerator graduates.

Round Basics

  • Start Date - October 24, 2024 (Accelerator Demo Day)
  • End Date - January 1, 2025 (with the potential to be extended)
  • Network - Base
  • Matching - 15 ETHx starting pool
  • Direct Donations - ETHx denominated
  • Voter Eligibility - Soulbound NFT
  • Donation UI Link -

The 15 ETH+ matching pool will be continuously streamed to grantees over 69 days based on a dynamic implementation of the quadratic funding formula. Every new, updated, and closed direct donation stream will update the funding allocation weights in real-time.

Octant Matching Stream Schedule

Octant will stream its 15 ETH through the matching pool according to the following schedule. Individual and group matching funders can open their variable rate streams to the round (i.e. “Grow the Pie”) anytime from the round UI!

WeekStart DateRate (ETHx/mo)Weekly Allocation
1October 2420.5
2October 3120.5
3November 782
4November 1482
5November 2182
6November 2882
7December 582
8December 1282
9December 1941
10December 2641

Voter Eligibility

The Octant Accelerator SQF round will use a non-transferrable NFT to determine donor-matching eligibility.

We airdropped this Voter NFT to Octant community members and registered attendees of the Accelerator Demo Day before the start of the round.

Others interested in participating can get their voter badge by earning a role in the Octant SQF Guild and claiming the NFT at checkout on the SQF Round UI. We’ll add and adjust Guild roles in throughout the round to responsibly maximize participation. If you’re not a bot and you can’t seem to find a path to earn your Voter NFT in Guild, join the Flow State Telegram and we can figure out a manual Sybil-check process for you.

Opening Donation Streams

Check out our full donor guide docs here or watch the transaction walkthroughs below to learn how to support your favorite grantees in Octant Accelerator SQF:

Funding Wallets on Base

Base is an Ethereum L2 network. To participate as a donor in the Octant Accelerator SQF, you’ll need ETH in your web3 wallet.

There’s a plethora of options these days, but here are a few links for your convenience (info purposes only, no affiliation):

  • Bridge - Across or other Superchain Bridges can quickly move your ETH from Ethereum Mainnet or another L2 to Base.
  • Centralized Exchange - Coinbase & most major exchanges have the ability to send directly to your address on Base.
  • Decentralized Exchange - If you just need a little bit more ETH and have other funds, swap them with DeFi Llama or your favorite DEX.
  • Fiat Onramp - Ramp or your wallet may have one built in. Fees apply.